Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Test Scores

The funny thing about majoring in physics is the fact that nobody in the higher-level classes seem to do well on exams. The highest class average test score I've seen this semester (F11) in any of my physics classes was... -drumroll-


The lowest?


On the other hand, my math class had a take-home test in which the average was probably in the high 80's (the professor never directly quoted an average, I'm assuming from the range of test scores that I caught a glimpse of as they were handed back).

Boyfriend (who shall henceforth be known as KP until I think of a better alias) is in chemical engineering; he's extremely disappointed when he gets anything below an 85% on a test. It's funny, really; I would be ecstatic to get that score on a test in my classes.

I'm sure that people outside my major judge me if they see my score. "OMG," they'll say. "Liek ur so dumb, a 52 is liek failing, jeez. Go study lozr." Then they proceed to go get drunk, skip class because of their hangover, and finally study for an hour before the test and ace it.

My response to them?
Well, as soon as you know how to calculate the aphelion, perihelion, eccentricity, and period of an orbit, then use the information to plot a course from the Earth to Saturn in 20 minutes, then we'll talk.


Coming soon: path efficiency.

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